A Pilkington Planar™ project was recently featured in the The Journal Times for the renovation of the David A. Straz Jr. Center for the Natural and Social Sciences at Carthage College. The overall project features glass-walled classrooms and laboratories, as well as a two-story, glass-enclosed atrium for exhibits, planetarium shows, and presentations.
The atrium, consisting of Pilkington Planar™ light grey tinted, low-e coated insulating glass units, provides beautiful views of Lake Michigan. Many are hoping this new wing sparks inspiration for the students. “They’re hungry to learn and I think the space is responsible for that,” Jean Quashnock, professor of physics and astronomy said. Faculty and students are excited about the completion of the project, which they hope will “draw more science students to Carthage.”
For more information about the Straz Center and the ribbon cutting, make sure to check out the full article.